you've gotten this far, congratulations and...take a breath!
This can all be a bit overwhelming, if you let it. But don't
worry, you don't have to know it all to enjoy what we have
to offer and we're always looking to offer more! Hopefully
this tour has been at least somewhat helpful in familiarizing
you with how the game is played, how to navigate the site,
what things mean, and where to go if you need help.
do a quick recap. Every stock receives a stock dividend
(divi) at 9am eastern time based on how their actual performance
the day before compares to the projected performance displayed
onsite. The best stocks are not always the best players
in a sport- they're the players who've most often put up
actual stats above their projections. Top players also tend
to have the highest projections and therefore have to put
up larger stat lines to earn big dividends. Each stock also
has a unique ticker symbol- generally speaking that symbol
is the first 3 letters of their last name and the first
2 letters of their first name, but sometimes that 5 letter
combo is already in use. The 2nd most common is the first
4 letters of their last name and their first initial. Occasionally,
we've not followed that (i.e. Tiger Woods' symbol here is
woods). You don't have to memorize these symbols, I'm simply
letting you know about them. The only time you need them
is if you use our 'quick buy' option or just want to understand
who someone is referring to when they use a player's symbol
on the forums.
generally 'speak' in eastern times for the same reason the
major sport sites list eastern times on scoreboards- the
largest percentage of the US population resides in eastern
time. Jockstocks admins actually reside in the central time
zone. 'Divi' time is 9am eastern daily. The market resets
each day at noon eastern. Pick'em scoring and leaderboard
updating is at noon eastern. Picks for the next day's games
appear at noon eastern. Competition leaderboards update
periodically during the day, some more often than others.
One thing not mentioned prior to this is the 'window'. Before
Autosell was created, we created the 'window', which is
the time between divi time and noon eastern. During this
time, stocks you were holding before divi time can be sold
at the last divi price even tho shares sold will have dropped
stock prices. A simple example of that would be a stock
reaches $100 per share at divi time. People selling the
stock, whether via autosell or on their own, dropped the
share price to, say, $90. If you were holding shares of
that stock at divi time and sold at 11:55am eastern, you
would still receive $100 per share even tho the current
price of the stock is $90- the same price 'autosellers'
received. If, however, you waited until 12:01pm, you would
only get whatever the current price is. The 'window' and
autosell, then, are just our way of making it as convenient
for you as possible- we'd much rather have you playing actively
than getting discouraged because you weren't able to maximize
your efforts or getting in trouble at work because you snuck
online to sell your stocks! Many of our members only play
in the evening and use autosell to get their selling done.
can't encourage you enough to use the vast wealth of information
available to you to enhance your time here. The Oasis has,
among other things, articles written by members on various
things. Our FAQ page explains much more. Use the Ask a Vet
page to hook up with veteran members willing to help you
learn our great game. And lastly, Messenger is our internal
mail program where you can privately converse with other
members. Messenger is also how your admins make announcements
to you when we're releasing new IPOs, or if there's a problem
to apprise you of, or whatever it is we need to tell you.
You'll see an envelope icon in the top right corner of any
non-forum page if you have new mail waiting for you either
from admins or from another member- click that to be taken
to Messenger. That is also where you'd go if you'd like
to change your password or other information on your account.
hope this tour has helped. ENJOY THE GAME!