Understanding how our competitions work

Here we'll try to help you understand some of the
basics of what happens when with our competitions.

The start of each new competition is 9am on the 1st of the month, after dividends from the day before have gone out.

The way we handle competition ports continues to confuse some, so below is a schedule of what portfolios should be in your port each month.

Why do we do things this way? Primarily so that you don't have to play multiple ports all the time in order to play multiple competitions.

The first month of each quarter, you won't have a quarterly port because your monthly port will become your quarterly port when that month ends. During the first quarter of each year you won't have a yearly port because your first quarter port will become your yearly port when that quarter ends.

Therefore, it is key to remember that your January monthly portfolio will eventually become your yearly portfolio as it will first become your quarterly port on February 1 and that quarterly portfolio will become your yearly portfolio on April 1.

January Monthly, TV
February Monthly, Quarterly, TV
March Monthly, Quarterly, TV
April Monthly, Yearly, TV
May Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly, TV
June Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly, TV
July Monthly, Yearly, TV
August Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly, TV
September Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly, TV
October Monthly, Yearly, TV
November Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly, TV
December Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly, TV