Free money just to vote for Jockstocks
By Orren (SiteWolf)

Did you know you could get FREE money EVERY day for your portfolios? Simply click the Offers link at the bottom of any page, click those banners, and vote for Jockstocks. It's that simple!

Money is added to your active portfolio and varies by which one it is- $300 per click for monthly, $500 for quarterly, $1000 for yearly, and a sliding scale from a minimum of $300 up to a maximum of $5,000 per click in your total value portfolio. And not all clicks have to go into the same portfolio!

In case you wonder, a vote for Jockstocks doesn't mean you're telling the world you think Jockstocks is the best site there is (even if you think so!). Your vote simply says that Jockstocks is a site you'd recommend others try- nothing more. If you're here and playing, that's not a lot to ask, is it?

Is it really worth it to click banners every day?
Do those clicks really help any?

Well...let us count the ways..
1.) Clicking banners unlocks the convenience of using autosell
2.) Voting at all those voting sites brings in new members- maybe it was a voting site that brought YOU here. More members means more fun for you in many ways because:
a. Competitions are more fun
b. More competitions can be created- which equals even more fun
c. More members means more potential revenue for the site which in turn means site admins can do more things, add more features, and be more generous with prizes- which again means more fun for you (see how that works?)
d. Helping the site support itself means the game continues...helping us grow means the site is more likely to be able to continue FREE for you to enjoy (this is a lotta game for free, don't you agree?)
3.) And finally...the free Jockbucks you get for clicking those banners and voting every day helps you to grow your portfolios that much faster- which, of course, is the goal, eh?

Now, don't be a mooch and click those banners and NOT take the extra few seconds to vote- you only hurt yourself AND the site!

Obviously, there are banners all over the site- a necessity especially for a free site. We use primarily banner exchanges for the rest of our advertising. We can't offer you anything for clicking those banners or our exchanges will cut us off. But, if you could still click a few of those banners every day, you'd still be helping us AND you in the same ways already mentioned. You can also help us out by making a contribution whether via PayPal or snail mail as well as by doing your online shopping thru our Mall or buying Jockstocks merchandise at our Store.

All that just for taking a couple minutes every day you play to click a few banners. What a deal!!

Let's just look at how important just the free money part of clicking banners can be...and how your competition is GAINING on you every day they click and you don't. We're all familiar with the concept of compound interest.

The chart below shows just how MUCH that free money can be worth. This chart is an example of a 31 day month starting on a Monday and therefore includes 5 Mondays where you have 2 weekly sites to click.

Dollars listed here are based on a fairly conservative 6% daily gain.


If all THAT isn't enough, we have the Truckstop Challenge- join the team each month and you're eligible for random drawings which can mean even MORE money as well as the chance to name an IPO of your choice.

As you can see, all this free money can really add up over start clicking!

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